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Men charged with attempting to bribe cop

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Charged:Kenneth Thompson (above) and William Benjamin (below) are accused of attempting to bribe a Police officer

Two men were yesterday charged with attempting to bribe a Police officer over a drug investigation.

Kenneth Thompson, 50, and William Benjamin, 44, were both charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by trying to get an officer to dispose of an active police investigation which had commenced under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

They were also charged with "corruptly offering" a Police officer a sum of money. The charges span the period March 2 to August 27 this year.

Benjamin, represented by Llewellyn Peniston, pleaded not guilty to both charges, while Thompson, represented by Victoria Pearman, requested to be tried in Supreme Court and was not required to enter pleas.

Both men were released on $10,000 bail with a surety, and were ordered to turn over travel documents and appear at Police stations twice a week.

They were also ordered to avoid contact with Detective Sergeant Kevin Christopher, the officer they are alleged to have attempted to bribe.

Benjamin is expected to appear at Magistrates' Court on September 25 for trial, while Thompson will appear for an administrative hearing in Magistrates' Court on October 2.