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New war memorial planned for Cabinet Office grounds

A Bermuda Regiment bugler plays during a recent Remembrance Day ceremony.

The Island is to receive a new war memorial, Works and Engineering Derrick Burgess announced yesterday.

The news comes as the Island prepares to remember those who fought and served in the two world wars tomorrow is the annual Remembrance Day holiday, which marks the anniversary of the end of the First World War.

The proposed memorial will be built on the grounds of the Cabinet Office, near the corner of Front and Court Streets, just east of the Cenotaph.

According to Mr. Burgess, the new memorial will honour Bermudians that served here and abroad, in either the First or Second World War.

Mr. Burgess said: "It is fitting that we remember and pay tribute to all men and women of Bermuda who served in the world wars. I emphasise all, as too often the service of individuals who did not travel overseas, but who protected our shores locally, remained unrecognised and seemingly unappreciated.

"That is a regrettable and altogether unacceptable circumstance that this Government has sought to remedy, for we believe that every man and woman who served this country during the great wars, whether on the foreign front or here, in Bermuda, is deserving of recognition and the Island's gratitude."

Mr. Burgess said the memorial, designed and built by the Ministry of Works and Engineering, will for the first time name and honour almost 2,000 Bermudians who served during the First or Second World Wars in Bermuda or overseas.

"The plaques will be displayed on five individual walls that will form a semi-circle around a rolling ball water fountain resting on a granite base.

"Seating will be provided at the memorial and it is expected that it will be a serene place where war veterans, visitors and other members of an appreciative public may gather to reflect upon and to pay respect to those who served our Island so heroically during the Great Wars."