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One Andre Curtis investor has been paid back sources

An overseas firm has reportedly been paid back cash it invested with under-investigation Bermudian businessman Andre Curtis' company.

Mr. Curtis' Harvest Investment Holdings received nearly $2 million from two companies late last year as part of an alleged multimillion dollar worldwide fraud.

As Mr. Curtis faces legal action at home and abroad, one investor has now received most of its money back, Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance Monica Lindeen told Associated Press in Montana.

It comes after a rare judgment from Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves in February, which varied a restraint order against Mr. Curtis and allowed cash to be "unfrozen" from his accounts despite the allegations against him.

Montana State Auditor's Office is investigating Mr. Curtis as part of an alleged Ponzi scheme in which investors across the world are said to have been duped out of millions of dollars after being promised enormous annual returns.

Mr. Curtis is said to have run the initiative jointly with convicted money launderer and fraudster Daniel Two Feathers, Shawn Swor, Terrence Paulin, Eric Schultz and five companies or trusts connected to them.

At least 13 investors are said to have been duped out of a total of nearly $4 million.

Mr. Curtis, the former political campaigner manager for Premier Ewart Brown, is accused of 24 violations and Harvest Investment Holdings, of which he is chairman, a further 23.

The auditor says one firm wired $960,000 to Harvest Investment Holdings last November after being promised a return of 66 percent within 25 days. A further $1 million was wired to Harvest Investment Holdings one month later.

Meanwhile, the Montana auditor's document has now been updated to say Bozeman-based Mr. Schultz has agreed to pay $530,000 towards alleged victims. Part of Mr. Schultz's role was said to be selling bogus investments through Harvest Investment Holdings.

In Bermuda, Mr. Curtis has appeared in Magistrates' Court for separate charges in connection with Harvest Investment Holdings. He is due back in court on September 15.