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Opposition declare they'll get answers on pier

The Opposition has pledged to grill Government over the costs of the new cruise ship pier in this legislative session.

Shadow Tourism and Transport Minister Michael Dunkley referred to the soaring costs 70 percent over budget as an "abomination".

And he said taxpayers had a right to know where their money had gone.

"I find it totally unacceptable that the project started a couple of years ago and now it appears the final estimated cost has escalated by over 70 percent," he said. "To this day I'm not even sure of the final cost.

"Throughout this project we have heard very little from Government over why costs have escalated. People need to realise that the individuals responsible for the project have had a total disregard for taxpayers' funding."

He added: "Secondly, it is my opinion that this project was very poorly planned. How could you have a project start out at $35 million and escalate to the position it is in at the present time?

"I have every intention of asking further questions in the Senate, and expect that when we get back into session we (the United Bermuda Party) will be delving into this issue."

The Royal Gazette this week published our findings into an investigation into how costs for the new dock rocketed from an original budget of $35 million to $60 million.

The investigation was prompted by figures released from Government to explain why measures to protect animals at Dolphin Quest cost taxpayers an extra $3.7 million.

The breakdown in costs given in Parliamentary Answers to Questions by Senator Dunkley was inaccurate, according to the project's main contractor Correia Construction, and subcontractor Norwalk Marine International. Government maintains its figures are correct.

Among our other findings we discovered that rental fees for a crane quadrupled from the subcontractor's original quote, and two vibratory hammers used to drive the pile foundations were billed as an extra under "dolphin mitigation".

The design of the thruster wall a barrier against sediment surge from docking cruise ships — also changed four times, according to Correia.

Government said in June that the cost of the thruster wall had topped an extra $4 million. The breakdown of costs spent on "dolphin mitigation" stated the total spent on measures to protect the dolphins could reach as high as $10 million. The original 2007-8 Budget for the new pier allocated a TAF (Total Authorised Funding) of $35 million. The 2009-10 Budget has set a TAF of $60 million, of which $56 million has been spent.

"This Government has a very poor record of handling these kinds of construction projects," said Sen. Dunkley. "Not only is the new pier an abomination, but we have to look at the bus depot in Hamilton, the emissions control centre at TCD and of course, the Berkeley school (new Berkeley Institute) we still haven't had answers to that one.

"And now we are in the middle of what could be the biggest fiasco of all the Police and court building.

"Our Government is still making excuses on things being way behind time and over budget, and one of the common excuses it gives is 'look at the quality of the finished project'. I'm not going to criticise a project if it's in good shape, but to get there by wasting taxpayers' money is just not acceptable.

"To get to the final stage without having proper accountability to the taxpayers is something I will not let slip."

Sen. Dunkley added: "I don't care about Government's excuses saying, 'Well when the UBP was in charge, they did this...'

"I don't care who is in charge they have a responsibility for doing things right, whether it's the UBP or PLP. Especially now when we are heading into what is going to be a very difficult period for Bermudians, as the economy is going to be weak. "From the very beginning of this project there have been concerns from the community about accountability and control of taxpayers' funds. Government has to lead by example and that is not happening."

Bermuda Democratic Alliance spokesman on Tourism, Donte Hunt, said: "The Bermuda Democratic Alliance is interested in hearing from the Auditor General on this project and is particularly interested in hearing Government's response to the allegations.

"The Alliance stands for transparency, which goes for all projects in which taxpayers' money is being spent. Right-thinking people will insist that Government explain what caused the project to run over budget.

"Government must be fiscally responsible, careful in its spending, honest in its financial reporting and work for the betterment of our people. We shall call on Government to do just that going forward."

Mr. Hunt added: "We do have two very specific concerns. The first being the methodology followed in awarding the contract and the second being, why was the Tourism Ministry managing the oversight of a major construction project? Government policies must be fair and transparent and reward trustworthy behaviour and initiative. We shall also call on the Government to ensure that is what actually happens."

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