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Party event in town for gay cruise visitors

Sybil Barrington performs with two ladies from the audience at Latin's Rumbar last night, at a special event to mark the arrival of a gay-friendly cruise ship to the Island.

A gay-friendly party held to celebrate the visit of a gay cruise to the Island proved to be a huge success last night.

The party, held at Rumbar, brought more than 100 people, both gay and straight, to the packed club.

Female impersonator Mark Anderson, better known as Sybil Barrington, entertained the crowd with lip-syncing and comedy routines.

"It was awesome. Overwhelming," Mr. Anderson said. "I'm very pleased with the crowd. We had people lining on the balcony to watch.

In 2007, a gay cruise organised by a company owned by Rosie O'Donnell cancelled a visit to the Island after several local churches threatened to protest.

This year, however, there was not a single protest.

"We have always had the support of many in the community," said Mr. Anderson.

"This is a real step in the right direction."