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Pitman maintains UBP hold on Pembroke West

Former United Bermuda Party chairman Gary Pitman will take his seat in the House of Assembly today after he was the victor in last night's hard fought by-election in Pembroke West.

In the end, 204 votes separated Mr. Pitman from PLP challenger Rodney Smith whose 400 votes earned him a 40 percent share of the 1012 votes cast.

Mr. Pitman meanwhile, achieved victory with 604 votes or 60 percent of the ballots cast.

A triumphant Mr. Pitman emerged from the Admiralty House Community Centre with his wife Martha moments after securing victory.

He said: "I will be out canvassing shortly. Not because there is an election coming, but because I did not see everyone in the constituency.

"I would like to see everyone that I have not already seen prior to this by-election.'' Mr. Pitman said he was not disappointed at the turnout -- 1012 persons voted out of an eligible pool of 1821 -- because it was similar to the by-election held last year when Erwin Adderley was returned for the UBP by a similar margin.

He added: "I was happy with that (turnout). The shortage of time that one has during the lead up to a by-election is very different from a General Election where there is a much bigger turnout.'' Nonetheless, Mr. Pitman said he now has a sharper focus and a better handle on the issues that are closest to the hearts of his constituents in Pembroke West.

Among the issues he identified were drug dealing, violence, the elderly and access to water rights for a greater number of persons.

During the November by-election, Mr. Adderley notched up 618 (59.1 percent) votes.

Mr. Smith netted 382 (36.5 percent), while National Liberal Party candidate Graeme Outerbridge trailed in last with just 34 votes (3.2 percent).

The turnout was 56.9 percent -- well off the 1993 General Election figure of 76.6 percent.

During the last General Election, former MPs Dr. David Dyer and Clarence (Tessie) Terceira took about 65 percent of the vote.

Both men have since retired from politics which necessitated the by-elections being held within months of each other to fill their vacant seats.

There are 1660 registered voters in Hamilton East and 1837 in Pembroke West.

Last night's results showed a three percent improvement for Mr. Smith who earned 37 percent of the vote in last year's by-election contest against eventual winner Erwin Adderley who took about 60 percent of the vote at that contest.

While Mr. Smith's gain was an improvement over his showing last year, the percentage increase was virtually the same as the votes which went to Mr.

Outerbridge who took 32 votes or 3.2 percent of the votes cast.

In essence it appears that the lack of an NLP candidate worked in the PLP's favour.

Mr. Smith, who spent the last three months canvassing Pembroke West voters, was buoyed up by his showing.

"This vote today goes to show that 40 percent of the people who came out are prepared to support the Progressive Labour Party,'' he said. "This shows me that there is just a margin of some ten percent between us and the UBP.

"Pembroke West was known as a UBP stronghold but the people are moving in our favour.'' Consequently, Mr. Smith said he will now redouble his effort on the doorsteps of Pembroke West voters.

And he said the low turnout -- 1,012 out of 1,821 eligible voters -- demonstrated conclusively that the voters who traditionally support the UBP were not prepared to come out.

"It also shows that the PLP's supporters are prepared to come out in increasing numbers,'' he added.

Moreover, Mr. Smith pointed out that unlike the last by-election contest, the PLP's share of the votes cast increased this time around while the UBP's share had remained about the same.

"Our strategy is working,'' he added gleefully. "And with continued work we will see clear victory.'' Mr. Smith said the PLP will hold a post-mortem to discuss the by-election results overall.

How They Voted Pembroke West Votes Gary Pitman (UBP) 604 (60.1%) Rodney Smith (PLP) 400 (39.9%) Spoiled ballots 8 Total votes cast 1012 Eligible voters 1821 Turnout 55.6% 1997 By-election result: Erwin Adderley (UBP) 618 (59.1%), Rodney Smith (PLP) 382 (36.5%), Graeme Outerbridge (NLP) 32 (3.2%), Spoiled Ballots 5.

Eligible voters 1,837Turnout 56.4%