Police 'deal with' unexploded bomb
The Marine Police have successfully dealt with an unexploded bomb around two nautical miles off the West End yesterday morning. The ordnance appeared to be a 50-pound aerial bomb that had been underwater for quite some time.
Chief Inspector Martin Weekes said the military device was spotted by a scuba diver, and is believed to date from the 1940s or 1950s.
"This one is close to the cruise ship channel, off an area known as the Crescent around 15 minutes or two nautical miles off the West End. It's military ordnance left over from an exercise, probably there since the 40s or 50s."
Initially, his team had planned to use explosives to blow it up.
However, later yesterday, members of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team with assistance from the Marine Police carried out an operation to make the bomb safe without moving it from where it was found.