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Premier Dr. Ewart Brown left the House of Assembly this morning visibly drained after the UBP's motion of no confidence failed to get the required 18 votes.

Immediately after the result, Dr. Brown told The Royal Gazette: "I'm grateful for the support I got from my colleagues. I'm surprised we got as many as we did."

Asked what he would say to those who protested his leadership this week, Dr. Brown said: "They don't know me and hopefully over time they will get to know me better."

The Premier still maintained after much debate that two protest rallies "had UBP fingerprints" on them.

Also speaking after the vote, Opposition leader Kim Swan said his own party members were on a three line whip — meaning they should have towed the party line.

There were 22 votes against the motion and 11 votes for it. UBP MP Darius Tucker was absent from the House when the vote was taken and Shadow Attorney General Mark Pettingill opted to abstain.

Mr. Swan said: "We will refer back to our caucus procedures and look at disciplinary actions that go with that."

Asked how he felt about the motion failing, Shadow Education Minister Grant Gibbons said: "I think it was a successful motion as far as we're concerned. We acted on principle.

"We felt that the Premier had essentially violated the constitution. We feel the motion was completely appropriate and we hope the members of his party do what's right."

Former Premier Alex Scott said: "I think it was a worthwhile exercise." He said he would give no more comment.

The UBP had proposed a motion that 'this House has no confidence in the Government and the Premier' after a decision was taken last week to allow four Guantanamo detainees into Bermuda without the permission of the Governor.

The Premier has said it was an immigration issue and therefore under Government's remit, but the Governor said that was not the case and the matter was one for Britain to decide.