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Prisoners running, police cars speeding have people on edge in St. George's

Prisoners running along the road and police cars speeding in their direction had members of the public understandably quite nervous yesterday.

But fortunately the two incidents were not connected and the inmates were only out on an exercise run.

The Royal Gazette received false reports of unguarded prison inmates running in the Kindley Field and Ferry Reach area.

The highly concerned callers told this newspaper several police cars, which came speeding through the area at the same time, led them to believe that there was a prison break.

The Royal Gazette has since confirmed that the prisoners were in fact exercising, accompanied by five prison officers. The speeding police cars were responding to a completely unrelated incident in St. George's.

Commissioner of Corrections Eddie Lamb, who yesterday returned from a trip abroad, explained that the men were participating in a social rehabilitation programme and were, in fact, accompanied by five guards.

"As it so happens, I returned to Bermuda today and as I drove home, saw the inmates running along Kindley Field Road," Mr. Lamb told The Royal Gazette.

"I can therefore, confirm that there were inmates who were running today as part of their exercise regimen. These inmates are residents of the Right Living House, the Therapeutic Community treatment programme at the Prison Farm. Also, contrary to information provided to you [The Royal Gazette], the inmates were accompanied by five members of staff during this fitness training."

He added: "We take our mandate of safety and security very seriously and therefore, proper consideration would have been given to same when organising this run for the inmates. I can further confirm that the inmates and staff have all returned safely to the Prison Farm, after being out of the facility for approximately 40 minutes."

The police cars were were responding to a report of an armed robbery at a house in St. George's.