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Professionalism: To consistently apply our knowledge and skills effectively and competently, having regard for confidentiality, proficiency, positive

Integrity: To conduct ourselves with pride, honesty, impartiality and high ethical standards.Respect: To recognise and accept diversity within the Service and the community. To conduct ourselves impartially with open minds, being considerate, polite and fair.

Integrity: To conduct ourselves with pride, honesty, impartiality and high ethical standards.

Respect: To recognise and accept diversity within the Service and the community. To conduct ourselves impartially with open minds, being considerate, polite and fair.

Accountability: To use the process which involves taking responsibility for and being answerable to others for actions or lack thereof.

Dedication: To enthusiastically devote ourselves to the purpose and goals of the organisation. To be committed to do the job to the best of our abilities.

Courage: To have the strength and fortitude to take appropriate actions in the face of adversity and to have the ability to endure any consequences that may follow.

Unity: To work cohesively and harmoniously with direction and purpose toward a common goal.