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Public Accounts Committee ponders response to Auditor

All five members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)— from both sides of the political fence — have held an emergency meeting to discuss Larry Dennis' special report.

Chairman and Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards, said the group held primary talks on its strategy for formulating a response to Mr. Dennis' report from last week.

The Auditor General has angered Premier Ewart Brown and Works Minister Derrick Burgess with his report which made a string of serious allegations, including that $6.5 million taxpayers' cash was paid out without verifying amounts with receipted invoices, on the controversial Police/court building project in Hamilton.

Monday night's PAC meeting was attended by Mr. Richards, his United Bermuda Party colleague Patricia Gordon-Pamplin, Progressive Labour Party backbenchers Zane DeSilva, Patrice Minors and Walter Lister and Mr. Dennis and his staff.

The Royal Gazette had hoped to attend, but our request for permission was ignored by House of Assembly Speaker Stanley Lowe, chairman of the Rules and Privileges Committee. Rules currently stipulate meetings must be held behind closed doors.

Mr. Richards told this newspaper yesterday: "All members showed up, which is notable because that doesn't always happen. We discussed how we will move forward.

"One of the things we agreed to do is to prosecute this as expeditiously as possible.

"One of the problems with the PAC has been the time aspect — by the time we get to deal with it, it's ancient history."

He said another meeting would take place on the subject soon.

The Royal Gazette's A Right To Know: Giving People Power campaign is calling for public bodies to open up their meetings to the public.

On this point, Mr. Richards said: "I would like the Public Affairs Committee held in public. What's the point of doing it if it's not being done under the scrutiny of the public?"

His predecessor as chairman, Mrs. Gordon-Pamplin, has recommended such a move to the Rules and Privileges Committee.