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Public discussion on solar energy for Island tomorrow

A solar energy expert is to address Government's next public forum on a National Energy Policy for Bermuda.

Catherine York, President of Caribbean Solar Alliance, will speak on Utility-Scale Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic PV technology as an option to be considered in the Island's alternative renewable energy mix.

The Department of Energy hosts the Town Hall Meeting tomorrow at the New Testament Church of God, Dundonald Street, from 6 p.m.

It is the seventh public consultation meeting in the drafting of Government's National Energy Policy initiative, and will also feature Tim Madeiros, manager of Alternative Energy Systems (Bermuda) Ltd., who will describe how solar systems work, evaluation of domestic and workplace sites, investment analysis, and how to connect to the grid.

Ms York will speak on the role of Government in setting portfolio standards and policies – how to incentivise solar and other energy alternatives; how to develop net metering or feed-in tariff standards; and how to create high-skilled jobs. She will also address the role of existing utility providers such as Belco – creating revenue opportunities through PV; meeting new demand and increasing reliability; ensuring seamless integration into the grid; and developing streamlined interconnection standards.

The role of Bermudians will also be covered, with Ms York speaking on the consultative process; supporting utility solar programmes and rates; demanding the best services, companies and equipment; and participating in job training and solar opportunities.

Government's final two Town Hall Meetings will cover wind energy and ocean wave energy, regulatory options and environmental considerations.

A spokesman for the Department of Energy said: "The information gathered at these meetings, including submissions from the general public, will be studied carefully and included in the Green Paper, which is a Public Consultation Document. Post-Green Paper will require further public consultation meetings before a White Paper is produced. These are energy building blocks that will help decision-making on regulatory options and Bermuda's National Energy Policy."

The Town Hall Meeting on solar PV energy takes place next Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Goodwin C. Smith Hall of the New Testament Church of God, in Dundonald and Union Streets, Hamilton.