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Put Bermudians first – construction manager

Bermudians need to come first and be given more employment opportunities instead of foreigners, according to a former construction project manager struggling to find a job.

The manager, who has asked not to be named, claimed Bermudians are not being hired and said he fully supports Labour Minister David Burch's ban on new work permits.

Last month, Senator Burch said his department had received a considerable number of complaints, particularly because of construction companies' "reluctance to hire Bermudians".

He said nine companies were to be "red-carded" and a "moratorium" was put on all work permit applications for masons, carpenters, landscape gardeners and cleaners.

Yesterday, the former boss said he felt he had to beg for a job in Bermuda. He said he had worked all over the world and had worked for a major construction company in Bermuda for two years but now lives in the US. "Lt. Col. Burch is doing his utmost best," he said. "He's a good man. He can only do so much.

"The problem is Bermudians complain. They call in to radio shows but the majority of Bermudians that are out of work aren't going to Labour (and Training)."

He said he has applied for 56 jobs since January and the only interview he was granted was with the hospital.

"It's detrimental to be Bermudian and apply for jobs. During my stint with the company, there were over 200 Bermudians that came in looking for work. We couldn't hire them. I couldn't hire them."

Asked if the industry was discriminatory, he said: "Oh without a doubt."

He continued: "You're talking about an industry that once fed this country economically. Years ago you had people who didn't go off to college and went into construction and fishing.

"When you went into those, you were taught a trade, you were taught fiscal responsibility and social responsibility. People taught you life and that's where all these social ills have come out."

He added: "At the end of the day, Bermudians have to come first. They have to. It's economic survival. Bermudians have built everything. Bermudians ran construction."

He said Bermudians needed to come together and speak as one in order to evoke change. "Bermudians are always on the defensive. They never get on the offensive. They need to stop. They need to speak with one voice and not just complain on the radio.

They need to go down to Government. Lt. Col. Burch is a good guy but he can't just hear somebody blasting this and that. He needs facts."

He also called for Bermudians to support the unions more and for an investigation into the work permit process.

"I'm not angry towards foreigners and expats but Bermudians have to come first.

"They're the ones who buy the milk and eggs at the grocery store. They're the ones who pay the mortgages. They're the ones who keep the economy going.

"I want Bermudian companies to be the most profitable in the world but I want Bermudians to be brought along with it. Bermudians needs to take back their country and their culture.

"People have to get out in the street and force the issue. It has to be done now."