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Putt-ing something new into the East End golf scene

Photo by Akil SimmonsThe Minister of the Environment and Sports, Elvin James watches Dame Jennifer Smith playing golf at the St. George's Community Centre.

While one golf course in St. George's is closing, yesterday another was opened, it just happens to be a lot smaller.

St. George's Community Centre officially opened its nine-hole miniature golf course at a ribbon cutting ceremony hosted by the centre and Charles Marshall, who was in charge of the project. "We have been pushing for this course since 2006," he said.

UBP and PLP members both praised the course opening, which was visited by Minister of the Environment and Sport Elvin James, Dame Jennifer Smith, Lovitta Foggo, and leader of the Opposition Kim Swan.

Paraphrasing the community centre's motto "Making it Happen," Mr. James said in a speech at the opening: "You definitely made it happen here."

Dame Jennifer echoed Mr. James' sentiments, saying: "I think it's great. I'm glad that Mr. Marshall persevered."

And former professional golfer Mr. Swan added: "It's a wonderful idea."

While the mini-golf course may not heal the wounds of local golfers missing the St. George's Golf Club, which is closing this month, Mr. James is optimistic that the course will draw the young and the old alike.

"It'll be a great addition to the East End," Mr. James said.

The course will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and will be closed on Sundays.

While there is a small fee to use the course, all profits will go to the community centre.