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Red Cross launches Hurricane Tomas cash appeal

The Bermuda Red Cross has launched a cash appeal to help Caribbean Islands hit by Hurricane Tomas.

The hurricane struck Islands including Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Haiti and the Grenadines on October 30 and 31.

It caused damage to nearly 1,900 homes, provoked landslides, interrupted water services for more than 30,000 people, caused infrastructure problems and disrupted electricity and communications.

In addition serious damage was reported in the agriculture and commerce sectors, particularly in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

People are encouraged to help disaster victims by donating to the Red Cross.

The charity which responds to most international relief efforts provides cash support and ships comfort kits, clean-up kits, medical supplies and tents or tarps to the affected sites.

People can also donate through Butterfield Bank account number 20-006-060-365472-200 or HSBC account number 010-187417-013 or by phone on 236-8253.