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Report ordered for man charged with wounding

in a drunken brawl in April.Eighteen-year-old Kareem Richardson admitted wounding Shawn Eve with a broken beer bottle on Devon Springs Road on April 1.

in a drunken brawl in April.

Eighteen-year-old Kareem Richardson admitted wounding Shawn Eve with a broken beer bottle on Devon Springs Road on April 1.

Magistrate Edward King heard Richardson and Mr. Eve were drinking with friends near the Devon Springs Recycling plant when an argument broke out.

Crown Counsel Lesley Basden told the court that when the booze ran out Mr. Eve accused Richardson of stealing alcohol from Eve's mother's nearby home.

Richardson, of Sunset Pass, Pembroke, threw a bottle at Mr. Eve after he walked away from the scene, but Richardson caught up and stabbed him with a broken bottle, creating a wound that required four stitches to close.

His lawyer, Keren Lomas told Mr. King that Richardson was working for Burrows, Lightbourn liquors as a delivery man and had exemplary job performance.

She added: "He was seventeen at the time. Much to his credit he is not the typical young man that comes before you.'' Mr. King was unmoved, and said: "I see here it was a broken bottle. Most people go to jail for that. He ordered the report to be ready by October 5.