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Sandys celebrates

by opening its totally refurbished physical plant.More than $7 million has been spent on the complete rewiring, replastering, and structural work of the school which has come in on time and under budget.

by opening its totally refurbished physical plant.

More than $7 million has been spent on the complete rewiring, replastering, and structural work of the school which has come in on time and under budget.

Yesterday, four surviving members of the first class of 18 students rteturned to the school to see the new campus.

Chairman of the Board of Governors John Cann welcomed and thanked dignitaries, West End residents, teachers and students to a new open air amphitheatre for the Founder's Day ceremony.

Dr. Cann said: "We remain fiercely proud in our hearts of the history of our school. We are justly proud of our new building and our board and the staff have a clear role in the school's success.'' Principal Melvyn Bassett said the work was a "major milestone'' in the school's history and all present owed a great debt to the founders.

Mr. Bassett said a plaque will be raised in memory of Colin Thomas, who died after having a seizure on the site while employed by Creative Associates, a subcontractor.

Dr. Cann said: "The Board and the contractors considered it appropriate that we put up some memorial to him.'' He also said the final phase of the project has been left for the future when money is made available by Government to build a new gymnasium and totally refurbish the current joint assembly hall/gymnasium.

"They have begun interim work on the floor of the old assembly hall,'' he said, "but anything more will have to wait.''