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Sea Park would boost fisheries and tourism

fisheries and fishing has been proposed for Bermuda.It would offer visitors a taste of how Bermuda's fishing industry runs and where it is heading.

fisheries and fishing has been proposed for Bermuda.

It would offer visitors a taste of how Bermuda's fishing industry runs and where it is heading.

The proposed sea farm park will provide enough fish and shellfish to partially support a restaurant for those visitors.

But it is hoped that important research will also be carried out at the facility.

The park is one of the idea's put forward by the Commission on Competitiveness's aquaculture committee.

Its concept is: "To demonstrate the benefits of aquaculture as a tool to enhance natural fishery resources and provide food.

"The facility will produce sufficient numbers of marine finfish and shellfish to support, in part, restaurant operations. Marketing fresh, farm-raised seafood products will promote restaurant sales.

"Demonstrations of seafood preparation, such as how to `knock' a conch further enhance the eco-tourist concept at the park.'' Facilities at the park include a central aquarium and waterfall and a touch pond for children, with tanks including many local fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

Visitors will be able to look through the windows of an aquaculture laboratory without disturbing projects or workers inside.

One of the major attractions will be an underwater trail immediately offshore allowing visitors to snorkel and see other techniques used by the farm in safety.

It states: "Juvenile queen conch and spiny lobsters will be placed in an area of fenced sea bottom. Artificial reefs constructed of concrete blocks or other specifically-designed structures will be placed offshore. These will inevitably attract an assemblage of reef species and will also be `stocked' with finfish fingerlings reared in the hatchery.''