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Sen. Burch hits back at IB 'locals only' criticism

Labour Minister David Burch yesterday hit back at Opposition claims that his invitation to Bermudians to attend a locals-only meeting on work permit term limits was "divisive and inflammatory".

Senator Burch asked Islanders working in international business to attend the April 8 session at the Berkeley Institute and told them they would have to bring proof of Bermudian status.

Shadow Labour Minister Michael Dunkley said on Tuesday that he welcomed the meeting but found the language in the Minister's E-mailed invitation "inappropriate".

"Rather than trying to bring people together, it's more divisive and inflammatory than anything," said the UBP senator.

Sen. Burch called fellow Government senator Thaao Dill's Hott 1075 breakfast show yesterday to respond to the criticism.

He said the idea had not come solely from him and was in response to Bermudians telling him they wanted to give their views on the six-year limit for work permit holders.

"What it is designed to do is just as the e-mail says," he said. "There's no need to read nothing else into it, that it's something ulterior or anything else.

"It is amazing to me how, in my Country, I have to defend meeting with my people. I mean I met with everybody else. I have heard their stories."

He said he was encouraged at the responses he had received so far from about half a dozen people in the international business sector who couldn't attend but sent him their issues and concerns.

"I will include some of that in my remarks on April 8," said the Minister. "People in the industry, anyway, at least so far, have taken it in the spirit it was intended. I want to hear what they have to say."

Senator Dill said: "I can't imagine that any rational person, particularly even the management and employers in international business, would have any issue with this kind of conversation."

He asked Sen. Burch if he intended to "reach out" to Sen. Dunkley and explain the thinking behind the invitation.

"Hell, no!" said the Labour Minister. "I could have predicated what he would write. I'll say this much, he don't ever disappoint me."

Sen. Burch's invitation said he wanted to get feedback on claims that Government's term limit policy could signal the death knell of international business in Bermuda and negatively affect locals.