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Sen. Burch still mulling sending prisoners abroad

Home Affairs Minister David Burch said he is still looking into the option of sending prisoners abroad.

But he added that he was not sure if it was the right move.

Speaking at a Police press conference yesterday Sen. Burch declined to say what anti-gang measures Cabinet had discussed at their Tuesday meeting.

Last week, after four people were shot over the Easter weekend, Premier Ewart Brown announced Government was looking at a raft of legislation to combat rising gun-crime. One proposal was to send prisoners abroad to combat the perception that Bermuda's jails are not tough enough and reduce the cost of incarcerating someone.

At the time Attorney General Kim Wilson added that she would seek Cabinet's approval allowing Police to keep a suspect in gun related crimes in custody up to 60 days before charging the individual.

Yesterday when asked about the Cabinet meeting Sen. Burch declined to comment on what they had discussed but said he was looking into the option of incarcerating people abroad,

He added: "I have not yet decided if that is something I can support or if the current laws provide for us to do that."

On Tuesday Premier Ewart Brown's spokesman said Sen. Wilson would report on the progress of the discussions "in due course". Sen. Wilson declined to comment.