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Students' winning cyber-bullying video to be broadcast

Winners all: The Minister of E-Commerce Terry Lister poses with the senior school winners of the Anti-Cyberbullying contest outside of the BUEI building.

A video by students to warn others of the dangers of Internet bullying is to be broadcast on television as a public service announcement.

Students at CedarBridge Academy clinched the top prize in Government's 'Stop Cyber-bullying' contest with their video commercial, and will receive a Garmin Oregon 200 GPS system for their school.

Cyber-bullying is a growing problem worldwide among young people, with research showing almost half of all teens have encountered a negative experience either on social websites or through text messages.

Terry Lister, Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and E-Commerce, said: "Bermuda's youth are no different.

"The Internet opens up a world of information, but it also gives the world access to our children and our homes. We must all do our part to ensure that our children can use this technology in a fun and, most importantly, safe environment."

Announcing the winners of the Cyber Safety Video Awards, Mr. Lister encouraged the community to visit the website www.cybertips.bm.

The website was launched last year by Government in partnership with Internet Service Providers and the Bermuda Police Service, to provide information on Internet safety to parents, children and the public. Online safety presentations are also being given at schools across the Island.

In order to "engage our youth to actively think about online safety", Mr. Lister said Government organised three Cyber Safety competitions among schools.

In primary schools, students had to 'Name the Cyber Security skink' and create a slogan. The middle schools were asked to create a 'Stop Cyber-bullying' poster, and the winners of both contests were announced during TechWeek.

The third competition challenged senior schools to create a video commercial, to raise young people's awareness of the problem and dangers of cyber-bullying.

On Monday to mark World Telecommunications Information Society Day, with its theme of 'Protecting Children in Cyberspace', Mr. Lister announced the winner.

CedarBridge Academy triumphed, with Bermuda High School in second place and The Berkeley Institute placing third.

The Minister said: "Although this is a competition and there is an overall winner, I have asked my team to ensure that we can use all of the entries in some way to promote this message."

The Cyber Safety contests were organised in partnership with the TechWeek sponsors, AAC Saatchi and Saatchi, BTEC and the Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative of Bermuda.