Teachers get lessons in good living
for themselves and their students.
They attended a "Health for Success Fair'' at Dellwood Primary School.
Government nutritionist Betsy Baillie told those who packed the school's gymnasium that getting the teachers to think healthy was important to the Health for Success programme because they dealt with students on a day-to-day basis.
The programme is a set of policies, practices and procedures designed to enhance the students' educational achievement and health.
Its components include actual physical activities, food and nutritional services, community and family involvement.
The programme is headed by a committee of individuals from several Government departments, Police and the National Drugs Commission.
"Education and health are intertwined,'' Mrs. Baillie said. "If students are unhealthy they can't learn.'' Chief Education Officer Dr. Joseph Christopher reminded teachers the success of the programme rested in their hands.
And he urged them to take their newfound knowledge into their classrooms.
"You are the seeds,'' Dr. Christopher said. "Tell other teachers about what you've heard and it will spread.'' "It is the little things we do throughout our lives that will ensure we are healthier when we get older.'' Throughout the morning seminar, teachers participated in "health and wellness'' workshops, collected numerous pamphlets, posters, and other literature on health, and received free blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol screenings.