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Tenders sought for hi-tech scanning equipment for docks

Scanning equipment designed to search every container that enters the Island through the Hamilton Docks could be in place by this time next year.

An advert in the Official Gazette requested tenders for a "turnkey relocatable gantry type scanner" suitable for scanning containers loaded on trucks for installation at the Hamilton docks, along with a structure to house it.

Right now, there is no automated inspection equipment on the Hamilton docks, so all searches have to be performed manually.

In March, Customs officials said they were looking at buying state-of-the-art scanning equipment, and they hoped to have the equipment installed within six to nine months.

The issue came into the public eye again in June when a package containing narcotics was delivered by courier to the Front Street office of Freisenbruch-Meyer Insurance. The incident caused staff to be evacuated and a portion of Front Street to be closed off to the public.

In the aftermath of the incident, a Customs spokesperson said that non-intrusive scanning equipment was in place at the Bermuda Mail processing facility, and that equipment to scan containers was coming soon.

At that time, the spokesperson said: "It is the expectation of HM Customs, and the Government, that 100 percent screening of all arriving containers will be achieved in the near future."

According to the request for tender, the equipment should be installed and ready between October 31 next year and January 31, 2011.

Delays to the project could have a major impact in international shipping to and from the Island. The US Government have insisted that all containers leaving Bermuda for the US must be scanned starting in 2012.

The equipment described in the request for tender would be capable of scanning 48ft containers, along with cars and small boats, and it must be able to locate even small amounts of drugs, guns, bombs and explosives.

The scanner must be able to scan 20 40ft objects per hour and be relocatable, in that it can be dismantled, moved and reconstructed in a "reasonable time with a reasonable cost".

Whoever is awarded the contract will also be responsible for maintaining the equipment and providing a training programme for those who will be using the equipment.

All tenders must be delivered by November 30.