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Thieves raid nursery

Between 5 p.m. Thursday and 7.30 a.m. Friday, 300 plants were stolen from the Government nursery.The plants were housed outdoors in one-gallon sized pots.

theft last week.

Between 5 p.m. Thursday and 7.30 a.m. Friday, 300 plants were stolen from the Government nursery.

The plants were housed outdoors in one-gallon sized pots.

They were "mock orange'' plants which Superintendent of Horticulture Sarah Northcott said are "typically used as hedging plants''.

"We've had the occasional plant or two stolen before,'' she said, "but never anything on this scale.'' The plants are worth about $2,400.

She urged members of the public to keep their eyes peeled for people putting in a large number of hedge plants or suddenly offering a number of mock orange plants for sale.

Anyone with possible information about the theft is urged to contact Ms Northcott at the Tulo Valley Nursery (292-2503) or contact police directly.

ST. DAVID'S TARGETED BY CRIMINALS CRM St. David's targeted by criminals Detectives with the Eastern CID are conducting "active inquiries'' into a series of thefts committed in the St. David's area in recent weeks.

The Bermuda Police Service reported Sunday that a thief forcibly entered a Sofar Drive home and stole an undisclosed amount of cash from a bedroom -- the latest in a rash of break-ins in the area.

Meanwhile quick work by Western Division officers in Southampton caught a suspected thief after he left a knapsack in a High View Lane home.

A resident had returned home on Friday afternoon to find an unknown man inside.

Startled, the would-be thief ran from the home -- but left his knapsack behind. A man was arrested in connection with the incident later the same day Nothing appears to have been stolen from the Boaz Island Gas Station overnight Friday after the culprit entered the building using force. The power supply was also tampered with.