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Third-lane rider fined $400

A motorcyclist was arrested for dangerous driving after overtaking commuter traffic in Paget, a court heard.

Jonathan Stowe, 28, of Warwick, pleaded guilty at Magistrates' Court yesterday to the offence, on January 8.

Crown counsel Nicole Smith said Police saw Stowe overtake a line of traffic near the Modern Mart grocery store, as he headed east on South Road at 8.30 a.m.

"Officers saw him overtake a long line of stationary or slow-moving vehicles," said Ms Smith. "He crossed into the westbound carriageway, causing vehicles in this lane to deviate their course in order to avoid collision."

Police stopped Stowe's black motorcycle near the Harmony Club.

Ms Smith said: "At the time of the incident the volume of traffic heading east into Hamilton was extremely heavy and the westbound traffic was moderate.

"There were also pedestrians crossing at the Bermuda College crossing and outside Modern Mart."

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined Stowe $400 and imposed ten penalty points on his licence.