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Two Ministries spent nearly $10 million on consultants in two years

AIC was also paid for its consultancy services on the demolition of the former Club Med and "pre-development master planning and development process for the Park Hyatt St. George's Resort".The Ministry of Environment paid an affiliate of AIC, Ambling Development Holdings LLC, $967,750.74 to review new Special Development Order applications, as well as SDOs that have already been granted.

Three Government ministries spent approximately $9.48 million on 48 consultants in less than two years.

The Ministry of Works and Engineering spent $7.75 million on 28 consultants between May 2008 and February 18 this year.

Meanwhile the Ministry of Environment and Sport spent $1.73 million on 21 consultants between May 2008 and January 31 this year. This means that approximately $431,000 a month was being spent on consultants, 16 of whom do not live in Bermuda.

A detailed list was compiled by the ministries and tabled in the House of Assembly on Friday after United Bermuda Party MPs lodged Parliamentary Questions about the number of consultants in the ministries.

The breakdown included the fact that affiliates of Ambling Companies Inc. have contracts with the ministries of Works and Engineering and Environment totalling $1.77 million.

The Atlanta-based Ambling International Consulting (AIC) firm was hired by the Ministry of Works and Engineering for "general consultancy service" on negotiations between Government and Southlands Ltd. for the proposed land swap of 32 acres in Warwick in exchange for 80 acres at the former Morgan's Point American base.

AIC was also paid for its consultancy services on the demolition of the former Club Med and "pre-development master planning and development process for the Park Hyatt St. George's Resort".

The Ministry of Environment paid an affiliate of AIC, Ambling Development Holdings LLC, $967,750.74 to review new Special Development Order applications, as well as SDOs that have already been granted.

Ambling Development Holdings was also hired in 2008 to analyse the Planning Department's operations procedures and help establish new internal policies.

As part of this review the Ministry of Environment said the company has submitted a report 'Bermuda Department of Planning Review of Development Control' conducted an online survey with staff, and held a communications meeting on November 25, 2008.

Ambling Companies Inc.'s website said it is one of the leading developers, builders and managers of conventional, affordable and university housing in the US with a combined portfolio showcasing over $1 billion in development.

The detailed list of consultants also stated that the Ministry of Works and Engineering paid $815,000 to the UK-based Halcrow Group for the "preparation of a feasibility study" for the new Causeway, known as the New Crossing project.

The130-year-old business has done infrastructure projects all over the world according to its website.

The Ministry also paid Canadian company Golder Associates Ltd. $310,021 for a geotechnical investigation and "client representation" for the New Crossing project.

The firm's website states that it has 160 offices around the globe and international expertise in ground engineering, earth and environmental service.

The Ministry of Environment paid consultant Dolores Beraldo-Vazquez $96,174.04 to process planning applications.

And Dr. Wolfgang Vogelbein was paid $39,760 to investigate and determine the probable cause of the large die-offs of fish in Bermuda waters during the late summer and early fall of 2009.