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US, Canadian Coast Guards search for boater

Both the US Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard are searching for a Canadian boater who was headed to Bermuda but has not arrived.

The 67-year-old man left Halifax, Nova Scotia, on November 9 and was expected to arrive in Bermuda on Monday.

The Coast Guard said on Thursday that the man's 45-foot sloop, Mon Pays, is reported to have flares, personal flotation devices, a VHF radio and an eight-foot white dinghy.

It doesn't have an electronic position indicating radio beacon.

Air searches by the US and Canadian coast guards are being conducted between Halifax and Bermuda. The searches are being coordinated by the Rescue Coordination Center Norfolk.

The duty officer at Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre said: "We've been running urgent marine information broadcast and basically we transmit regular messages asking if any vessels have seen, heard or had any knowledge of this guy. It's still an ongoing search in that he arrives to Bermuda. I expect in the next day or two, it will become more serious."