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Width restriction for trucks in Flatts

Road restriction: Trucks wider than 6ft 4in will not be allowed to travel through Flatts Village as from today.
All trucks wider than 6ft 4in are banned from travelling through Flatts Village as from today.The Ministry of Works and Engineering says: "Due to the narrow road width and the frequency of accidents along this section of North Shore Road, including Flatts Village, the Ministry is required to prohibit heavy traffic."The restriction applies to heavy trucks with plate numbers starting TT, HC and HB. It does not include public buses, garbage trucks or emergency vehicles.

All trucks wider than 6ft 4in are banned from travelling through Flatts Village as from today.

The Ministry of Works and Engineering says: "Due to the narrow road width and the frequency of accidents along this section of North Shore Road, including Flatts Village, the Ministry is required to prohibit heavy traffic."

The restriction applies to heavy trucks with plate numbers starting TT, HC and HB. It does not include public buses, garbage trucks or emergency vehicles.

The ban covers North Shore Road between the junctions of Middle Road and North Shore Road at Palmetto Gardens, and Store Hill Road and North Shore Road.

In addition, all commercial vehicles will be banned from collections and deliveries in Flatts between 8 a.m. and 9.30 a.m., and between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Trucks with HC and HB plates are advised to use the following alternative routes:

• Those travelling west must bypass Flatts and continue to Middle Road (Flatts Hill) and Store Hill Road, where they can resume their route along North Shore Road

• Those heading east must exit North Shore Road and turn right onto Store Hill, continuing east along Middle Road. Once at Harrington Sound Road, North Shore Road and Middle Road (Flatts Hill) junction, they should continue along Harrington Sound Road or North Shore Road in an easterly direction.

• All vehicles licensed TT must travel via South Road or Middle Road due to the narrow width of North Shore Road and Store Hill Road. Some TT trucks will still be restricted on Harrington Sound Road due to the height clearance restriction at Manor House Bridge.

• In the notice for the 'Prohibited heavy vehicle passage for North Shore Road, Smith's Parish, Flatts Village', Government says: "The Ministry of Works and Engineering apologises for any inconvenience caused and seeks the public's support in implementing these measures, which are intended to improve vehicular passage and pedestrian safety within the Flatts Village area."

Anyone with questions should contact Curtis Charles, PE, Highways Construction and Maintenance Engineer, at 297-7859.