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Assaults on bus drivers jumps in 2009

Sen. -Marc Bean

Assaults on bus drivers escalated dramatically last year prompting additional safety measures to be implemented.

There were seven reports of physical attacks during 2009, and 17 verbal assaults. According to a Government spokeswoman these included drivers being assaulted with fire extinguishers, crash helmets and fists as they went about their jobs.

The violence was a significant increase on the year 2008, when just one physical assault was reported and 13 instances of verbal abuse.

The average number of physical assaults in the three years before that was just one per year, with between four and eight verbal attacks per year.

The issue was highlighted during the Senate discussion on the transport budget, with Junior Minister Marc Bean saying: "Ministry resources have been allocated to ensure the implementation of a safety programme to ensure that all of its employees operate in a safe and secure environment."

Sen. Bean said measures to be taken include a public awareness campaign and law changes to impose harsher penalties on offenders. He also revealed that GPS-based panic buttons will be installed on all buses along with DVD recording devices in some vehicles, particularly ones used at night.

Long-term initiatives are also being planned, and work to tackle the safety issue has involved consultation with the Bermuda Public Services Union.

Asked for further information, a Government spokeswoman told The Royal Gazette: "In addition to the DVD recording devices, the Department of Public Transportation (DPT) has started the process of equipping buses and auxiliary vehicles with newer and more capable communications radios.

"These radios have internal GPS reporting capability and one-touch panic buttons to call for assistance when required. DPT has accelerated the roll out of these radios and expects to have the complete fleet equipped in the coming months."

She added: "The Ministry of Tourism and Transport is committed to providing passengers and operators safe passage. Any act or behaviour which can interfere with a driver's concentration can negatively impact the safety of all passengers as well as other road users. "