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Birth rate falls, no children born to mothers under age 16 in 2006

The Island's birth rate is falling, according to an annual report.A survey of births, marriages and deaths reveals the birth rate has dropped from 830 in 2002 to 798 in 2006.The Annual Report of the Registrar General for the year ending December 31, 2006, also reveals a third of babies were born out of wedlock.

The Island's birth rate is falling, according to an annual report.

A survey of births, marriages and deaths reveals the birth rate has dropped from 830 in 2002 to 798 in 2006.

The Annual Report of the Registrar General for the year ending December 31, 2006, also reveals a third of babies were born out of wedlock.

There were however, no children born to teenagers under the age of 16.

Commitment among 20-somethings appears to be experiencing a renaissance — for the first time in 14 years, more couples under the age of 30 were getting married 425, or 24.3 percent, of those getting hitched in 2006 fell within this age range.

The most popular time to get married was between the ages of 25 and 29, according to the figures. This age group accounted for the largest number of weddings in 2006.

Civil weddings are also growing in popularity, according to the report. A total of 157 took place in 2006, almost a fifth of all weddings. This marks a rise of 28 on the previous year.

The Registrar General is required to publish a summary of births, deaths, population rise and fall under the Registration (Births and Deaths) Act 1949. Under the Marriage Act 1944, figures on marriages must also be made public.

The information is of importance to several Government agencies, such as Social Insurance, as well as for social and demographic research.

The report reveals that during 2006, there were 798 births a fall of 37 on the previous year.

There were seven sets of twins born the lowest number recorded in five years, and less than half the figure of 2005, which was 15.

For women, the age range of 30 to 34 remains the most popular time to conceive. The second-highest number of births in 2006 was among women aged 35-39.

There were 417 boys and 381 girls born, with 529 births in wedlock and 269, a third, born out of wedlock.

In 2006 there were also 458 deaths and 876 weddings 56 more than the previous year. However, 627 more than 60 percent, were marriages between non-residents, mainly tourists.

Marriages between residents reached 293 while there were 56 weddings between resident and non-residents.

The average age of death was 78.5 for women and 68.9 for men. And 98 deaths were investigated by the Coroner.

The population of Bermuda in 2006 is recorded at 64,693 340 more than 2005. The average increase 2000-2005 has been 399.

The population figures also reveal there were 2,307 more females than males.

Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and E-Commerce, Terry Lister, says the 2007 Annual Report of the Registrar General is currently in draft form and will be tabled "at the first opportunity in the New Year".