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Busy day in London for Premier Brown

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Government will soon open an office on the third floor of this building at #6 Arlington Street in London.

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown today begins a series of meetings with other Overseas Territory leaders and the British Government in London.

The meetings follow planning session yesterday with the other leaders and a round-table discussion with international business executives.

The annual Overseas Territories Consultative Council was first held in the 1990s. Last night Premier Brown said the advance session is "a new dynamic" for the Overseas Territories but had proven its usefulness.

He added: "It's so helpful to go around the table, gather input from all the countries and then head to OTCC with a united front. Tuesday, we'll go to work more focused, more results oriented.

Earlier, Dr. Brown was guest of honour at the American European Business Association round-table lunch, where executives from commercial aviation, insurance, hospitality and other sectors meet with political leaders from around the world.

Dr. Brown was interviewed by five media outlets around the capital.

He told BBC World News Television presenter Tanya Beckett Bermuda-based insurance companies have a reputation of paying claims when the world needs it most, with $30 billion being paid to US policy holders between 2001 and 2008.

Dr. Brown was also interviewed by CNBC presenter Geoff Cutmore on the Squawk Box, Bloomberg's European Market Report and BBC World Service Radio. The demise of Zoom Airlines was discussed with Travel Weekly's reporter Ed Robinson, who was told the Island was actively looking to replace the low-cost airline.

Dr. Brown also visited the office block which will soon house Bermuda's London office.

The joint Department of Tourism and other Government business office will be on the third floor of #6 Arlington Street, near the junction of Bennet Street.

The 2,600 square foot office is expected to be open by the end of the year. About $1.46 million was allocated in this year's Budget.

Dr. Brown said of the office: "I'm very please with the way things are coming together for our office in London.

"This will finally catch us up with all the other Overseas Territories that have a presence in London where they can build important relationships that benefit their citizens."I look forward to realising the same for Bermuda."

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown appeared live on the Bloomberg Television programme "European Market Report" yesterday with presenter Nina de Roy. Ms de Roy described Bermuda's insurance and reinsurance sector as "recession resistant". The Premier later appeared on BBC World Service radio and BBC World News television programme "World Business Report" with Tanya Beckett.
The 2008 Queen's Birthday Award honourees recently gathered at Government House to receive their awards from Governor, Sir Richard Gozney. Shown are Julie Kay Darrell, Premier Dr. Ewart Brown, Sir Richard and Jane Bermingham. In the back row are Major (Ret) Herman Eve, Pipe Major Jeremy J. DUrrell and Vincent (Drip) Minors.