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Local students hear motivational speeches from celebrities

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A Berkeley Institute S4 student thanks Tichina Arnold, Tisha Campbell and Duane Martin - all veterans of the 1990s sitcom Martin - for visiting the school. The visit was similar to one paid at CedarBridge Academy on Thursday

The Bermuda Music Festival switched from entertainment to education as about 300 students from the Island's middle and high schools heard from famous young entrepreneurs.

Comedian Bill Bellamy along with young entrepreneurs Angela and Vanessa Simmons, of the hit reality show "Run's House", spoke about their experiences.

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown, who is also the Minister of Tourism and Transport, opened the Education Summit by thanking Yoshi Productions for stepping-up this component.

He said: "My hat's off to the Education Ministry and Yoshi Productions for working with the Tourism Department and stepping up the festival's education component.

"The energy in the auditorium was electric and I think the students really got a feel for all sorts of opportunities available to them in the entertainment industry. I also wanted the students to know that the tourism industry right here in Bermuda is a great way to break into the global entertainment business."

Held at CedarBridge Academy, Thursday's event was meant to inform the students about career opportunities in the entertainment industry.

Angela and Vanessa Simmons, who are also the driving forces behind an apparel company Pastry Footwear, spoke with the students about the struggles they face and overcome daily. They are the daughters of rapper Rev. Run from RunDMC.

Vanessa said: "You have to love what you're doing. There are times I feel like giving up but I keep going because I know there's a prize, a reward at the end of the hard work."

Then there was a questions and answer session and the Premier presented 10 students tickets to the Music Festival for winning the writing competition put on by the Department of Tourism and Youth News.

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown, entrepreneur and reality show star Vanessa Simmons, comedian and actor Bill Bellamy and reality show star Angela Simmons stop for a photo just before the Bermuda Music Festival Education Summit at CedarBridge Academy.