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MP donates books to schools in his constituency

Bermudian books were purchased and donated by MP Zane DeSilva of constituency Southampton East Central and Dale Butler Minister of Cultural Affairs. Pictured from Left to right: Front row: Chyanne Gordon, Head Girl of Dalton E. Tucker Primary; Rashaun Bean, Head Boy of Dalton E. Tucker; Byanna Muhammad, Head Girl of Heron Bay Primary; Delray Rawlins Head Boy of Heron Bay; Clevon Cunningham, Head Boy of Port Royal Primary and Azari Thomas, Port Royal Primary. Back Row: Gladstone Thompson Principal of Dalton E. Tucker; Zane DeSilva MP, Laverne Simons Principal of Heron Bay Dale Butler MP; Holly R. Richardson Principal of Port Royal

Bermudian books were purchased and donated by MP Zane DeSilva of constituency Southampton East Central and Dale Butler Minister of Cultural Affairs to three primary schools in the constituency on Friday.

The Government has recommended a book list with emphasis on local topics. There are three books that have been purchased for Dalton E. Tucker Primary, Port Royal Primary and Heron Bay Primary.

Mr. DeSilva said: "The idea was prompted by Minister Butler at a constituency meeting and I thought these would be great books for young people."

He added: "Not only are these books good to read to the children, but we are highlighting Bermudian authors. I hope other MPs do the same thing in their constituencies."

'Humphrey Goes to Bermuda', written by Gitte Brandenburg and illustrated by Linsey George is a book about Bermuda's ecology. 'It Takes a Smiling Raindrop', written by Dale Butler is a book about the simple things in life and finding happiness.

This book is recommended for children in Primary one to Primary three.

'On This Island — The Natives' also written by Dale Butler and illustrated by Linsey George is a book written entirely in rhyme about the traditions and cultures in Bermuda.

Mr. Butler said: "When I first wrote this book I told the community that if a child didn't ask for the book in two weeks, then I'll give the money back. I never had to give back money."

He also thanked all the principals for allowing them to present the books to the school.

"Hopefully, you all would benefit from using the books in your schools," he said.

Head girl and head boy of Port Royal Primary, Azari Thomas and Clevon Cunningham, thanked Mr. DeSilva and Minister Butler for the donation.

"We just opened a new library so the books would be a great addition," said Clevon.