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Premier bids farewell to the House

Premier Ewart Brown’s final speech to the House of Assembly spoke of his regret that Bermuda has not achieved independence.

”The great work that remains undone is the psychological freedom of independence,” he told MPs. “The veil of affluence and material comfort has numbed the senses of the people and for that we are all to blame.

”True self-determination can be achieved and I am as strong a believer in its merits today as I was in the 1960s when our brethren to the south were making the transition.”

Dr. Brown plans to step down both as party leader and as an MP at the Progressive Labour Party delegates’ conference in October.

He was first elected as an MP in 1993, serving first in Warwick West and then Warwick South Central. He has led the country since November 1996.

He delivered his final speech just after 2 a.m. on Saturday at the end of a marathon session in the House, which has now adjourned until November 5.

He opened by thanking those who elected him, saying: ”There is no greater, humbling honour than to earn the people’s trust and I am eternally grateful to my constituents who on four occasions have sent me to represent them.”

He continued: ”As I reflect on my parliamentary career and more particularly on my service as a member of the Government, I believe that so much has been done tangibly and symbolically for this country that the accurate historian will label it growth, change and empowerment.

”How my Government is judged seems based on a number of factors and that is as it should be. For those still intent on judging me, permit me to commend to you the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt: ’I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made’.

”Addressing members of the United Bermuda Party — with whom he has had frequent and, at times, angry clashes during his time as leader — he said: ”It is important to recognise that I do not consider members opposite as enemies. The Opposition has a vision for this country with which I strongly disagree; that is the nature of our business and that difference of vision, no matter how sharp the debate, cannot make us enemies.”

He noted that calls for his departure as leader began as soon as he was elected and the battle to succeed him is now about to start in earnest. Offering advice to his successor, he said: ”What I can say is that the only guarantee of full, unbridled affection in this office is to do nothing and to do it very well.”

His reference was to famous allegations that historic cedar beams, which went missing during repairs to St. George’s Post Office in 2001, ended up in his home. Dr. Brown has always denied those allegations but they have haunted his time as leader.

He continued: ”For whoever assumes this yoke of service in my stead, fret not at what your new enemies say and do. Lead in this Honourable House by example and from the front. Be measured by your oratory, your record and your legislative commitment to improve the lives of the people.”

He wrapped up his speech by saying: ”I am proud of my service. I am grateful for the camaraderie of these hallowed halls and for the working friendships it has allowed me to form.”

Referring to the paintings of politicians of yore that hang in the House of Assembly chamber, he added: ”As I close this chapter in service to my country to looks of relief on the faces on the walls my regrets are personal and not political. My list of checked boxes far exceeds the undone and even those welcoming my exit will concede that all my effort has been put into this work.”

Dr. Brown ended by reading the poem The Road Not Taken by the American poet Robert Frost, which concludes with the words: ”I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less travelled by. And that has made all the difference.”

His speech was greeted with lengthy foot stamping from MPs — the traditional method of showing approval in the House. Speaker Stanley Lowe remarked: ”Thank you, Mr. Premier. I think they call that the swansong.”

Dr. Brown then hugged and shook hands with well-wishers from all three political parties, before exiting the chamber for the last time.

● See Opinion page for Dr. Brown’s speech in full.