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Premier offers to host 2010 Overseas Territories conference

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown last night offered to host a meeting of all of Britain's Overseas Territories to better prepare the colonies' for the annual Consultative Council meetings in London.

Bermuda is the largest Overseas Territory, a grouping which includes The Caymans, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, Montserrat and Anguilla in the Caribbean, the Falklands, Ascension and St. Helena in the South Atlantic and tiny Pitcairn in the Pacific.

The 2009 OTCC will focus on an assessment of the 1999 "Partnership For Progress" White Paper on the OTs, and the presentation of UK expert Michael Foot's report on the OT's regulatory systems.

The OTCC meetings were first held in the wake of the White Paper.

Premier Brown and Finance Minister Paula Cox arrived yesterday in London and were involved in a combined Caribbean/Bermuda heads of government meeting with the UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Chris Bryant.

The Premier led the group, which was created last month at a meeting by regional leaders in Anguilla in which it was decided that a unified front in the wake of the global economic downturn was needed.

Dr. Brown said later: "Our collective approach to our common issues afforded us a useful and frank exchange with Mr. Bryant"

Later, Dr. Brown and Ms Cox attended the formal pre-OTCC meeting convened by the United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA).

This meeting gave the leaders of all OTs an opportunity to update colleagues on their issues at home, particularly increasing lawlessness and fiscal prudence.

Bermuda's offer to host next year's pre-OTTC was welcomed by members, given the outstanding issues to resolve with the UK, the Premier's press secretary Arnold Minors explained.

Late yesterday, Dr. Brown, Ms Cox, Cabinet Secretary Marc Telemaque and Financial Secretary Donald Scott met at the House of Lords with the Bermuda All-Party Parliamentary Group. The Bermuda Group is an informal committee of UK politicians from all parties and both chambers of Parliament who monitor the Island's development and/or have an interest here.

Lord Hamilton of Epsom and the Group's chair, Ian Davidson MP, led round table which included former Cabinet Ministers Lord Parkinson and Lord Howe.

The UK Parliamentarians were keen to know how they might help tell the "Bermuda story" on regulatory environment and how they might assist with Government address the increase in gun crime.

Dr. Brown said: "This group was engaged and genuine in their desire to help Bermuda. It was an excellent opportunity to share our experiences."

Questions from the Bermuda Group included: US-Bermuda relations, UK-Bermuda relations, insurance issues, crime and constitutional arrangements.

Ms Cox fielded several questions about Bermuda's trans-Atlantic lobbying efforts and regulatory successes.

She said later: "Members were pleased to hear of our remarkable progress in the signing of TIEAs.

"Today's meeting demonstrates that Bermuda must be vigilant in combating misinformation and be consistent in telling how sound our regulatory environment is."

Last night the Premier's press secretary, Mr. Minors said the meeting showed "the value of creating a UK office was demonstrated by the compliments about the level of access the members had".

He added: "Clearly, the Bermuda UK Representative, Kimberly Durrant, was well-known by the members of the OTCC and Lords."

The day ended with the Premier being interviewed live on Britain's Sky News.

The interview focused on challenges Bermuda faces because of climate change.

The Premier travels to Copenhagen on Friday to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference.