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Pro-PLP blogger blasts Playboy mansion party

The Playboy mansion

PLP supporter and blogger Jonathan Starling has jumped on the bandwagon of those criticising Premier Ewart Brown's decision to use taxpayers' money to sponsor a celebrity poker tournament at the Playboy Mansion.

Mr. Starling's Tuesday commentary on his 'Catch a fire' web site labels the Premier's decision a "scandal" while calling it "embarrassing" and "shameful.

"The Urban Health Institute, a charity founded by Dr. Brown's eldest son Kevin, was the beneficiary of the event in Los Angeles on May 17.

Dr. Brown handed out prizes in his capacity as Minister for Tourism, with the Ministry donating three trips to the Island in partnership with the Elbow Beach Hotel as part of a silent auction.

Fresh after Opposition Leader Kim Swan condemned the event on Tuesday, Mr. Starling stated: "The whole scandal is embarrassing and shameful.

"No matter how the Press Secretary Glenn Jones and the Ministry of Tourism... have attempted to spin this incident, the facts are that not only was there a serious conflict of interest (the relationship between Dr. Brown and the charity 'Urban Health Institute') but it beggars the question of the (mis) use of public funds. "

But a statement last night from the Premier's office referred to the promotion as good value for money. Reacting to Mr. Starling's commentary, it read: "As competition for the tourism dollar increases, it is incumbent on the Ministry of Tourism to reach beyond the traditional markets to encourage visitors to our shores.

"(Tuesday) the Premier clearly articulated his position in relation to this event and despite thoughts to the contrary, strongly believes there will be beneficial results.

"The commitment to sponsor a prize package by the Bermuda Department of Tourism (BDOT) for this event was consistent with its strategy to put Bermuda before high net worth individuals. "As such it was considered to be good value for money considering the investment was less than $2,000."

Meanwhile, Mr. Swan, also Shadow Minister of Tourism, reacted to the promotion: "The use of Bermuda taxpayer dollars to support a Playboy mansion fundraiser for a Los Angeles-based charity run by Premier Brown's son once again raises serious questions about Department of Tourism decision- making.

"It is difficult not to regard this latest use of taxpayer dollars as evidence that Bermuda Tourism has become the Premier's personal fiefdom to spend public money as he sees fit without due regard for its effectiveness in attracting visitors to the Island. There does not seem to be any established criteria for committing tourism dollars to particular events, and no indication they are being measured for their cost-effectiveness.

"Furthermore Mr. Starling, who was last known to be a PLP member, predicts a chorus of anger in response to the tourism promotion from the PLP's religious, anti-gambling and anti-pornography bloc.

"From a political perspective," he wrote, "this is quite a blunder from Dr. Brown who is usually quite careful and calculating.

"It is no secret that a large section of Party members and supporters are a bloc that one may essentially label 'socially conservative' (Church people), especially on the topics of pornography and gambling.

"While there has been what I'll call 'horse-trading' (or, rather, concessions) to this group, it is doubtful whether the reaction from this group will be anything but extreme simmering anger.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this scandal is even more serious in its consequences than the weeding out of progressives (and independent thinkers) in the December Cabinet shuffle, Senate appointments and political appointments (which even then, within a week of the election, and still amidst victory euphoria led to open and frank criticism within the Party).

"From speaking to some fellow members this indeed has been the proverbial 'straw to break the camels back' and it remains to be seen whether this latest wave of disappointment, disgust and disillusionment is sufficient to achieve a critical mass within the Party proper.

"Mr. Starling, who is white, is known for taking conflicting political positions. He has also been a vocal critic of The Royal Gazette.

But he came out against the PLP Government's decision to cut Government advertising from this paper in March.

He said on his blog at the time: "Despite the spin put forward by the Government regarding its decision to do this as based on budget cost cutting, I have reasons to believe that this is largely spin, and that the real reason is indeed to facilitate the destruction of The Royal Gazette as an organisation."