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Public express support and worry at the idea of arming of Police

Talking point: Armed Police conduct a search in Bermuda. Public reaction to the idea of Police being routinely armed is mixed.

Former Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith's call for officers to be routinely armed sparked concern from community activists yesterday. It also led a number of readers of this newspaper to add their views to the debate. Here's what some of them had to say:

Mike Pitts from Florida said: "The USA is the most armed country in the world. Has that fact curtailed the use of a gun in crimes? How many Police officers have died in Bermuda from being shot by a gun? In the year 2007, 189 Police officers (the USA) died in the line of duty, 90 percent by guns. In 2008, 135 have fallen. In 2009, there have been 17 officers killed in the line of duty."–Mr. Pitts questioned whether officers on a small Island would be willing to shoot someone when they could have known their family for years. He added: "I believe yes, there should be a certain segment of the Bermuda Police department who should be an armed response team.

"In general, I do not believe that all Police officers should carry guns. A good side arm for a Police officer would and could be a Taser gun. The Taser gun is an effective weapon of control and compliance. A well trained Police Officer can effectively fire the Taser from 18-21 feet and the victim will receive 50,000 volts of electricity for five seconds."

He concluded: "Once the Bermuda Police become an armed law enforcement agency on 22 square bloody miles, Bermuda will become an armed camp. Once the Bermuda Police department become armed 24/7 you will have crossed a line that will not be retractable."

A local reader calling himself "Bruce" said: "So we arm the Police, then the criminal arms himself to overcome the threat of the Police and other criminals, so the only one not armed is Joe and Jane Public. So do you think as a member of the public we should also be armed to protect ourselves against the threat? Should I be going out and buying myself a Glock 9mm to protect myself like the Police? No, I don't want to go in that direction. Fellow Bermudians: some of us know who own illegal guns and who will use them. If you wish to live in fear and let your children live in fear, then continue down this path, the road where everyone is owning a firearm."

Frank F. Burns, who described himself as "retired Deputy Inspector General, Comm. of Massachusetts," said: "As a frequent guest over the past 28 years in Bermuda, I would welcome Bermuda Police to be armed because of the present day society conditions. The armed Police are not just for the Bermuda public but the officers and their families and protecting us as visitors to beautiful Bermuda. I was in law enforcement for 43 years and was armed during this period. Never did I have to fire a weapon during these years as the criminal element was aware of our authority and the ability and training in firearms."

Mr. Burns added: "I also have a suggestion to back up the plan to arm Police and that is community Policing. I observed changes in youth activity in Massachusetts when we had officers get out of the cars and walk the neighborhood a few hours a day. It was amazing the information they received on the community youth, and who was active in various residential crimes."