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Road closures

As the Royal party moves about the Island today, road closures and diversions will take place to accommodate them in their travels. Starting at 10 a.m. as the Queen and Prince Philip arrive at the Cabinet Office to present the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, before attending a service at the Cathedral and then board a ferry to Dockyard, the following roads will be closed in Hamilton:

¦ Church Street between Parliament and Queen Street

¦ Queen Street between Church and Front Street

¦ Front Street between Queen Street and Bermudiana Road

¦ Point Pleasant Road (Albouy's Point)

The Royal party will arrive in Dockyard at 11.40 a.m. and to ease their transition into the Clocktower building, Pender Road, the Clocktower Parade and other select areas of Dockyard will be closed as of 12 noon.

All roads will be reopened once the Royal party has passed.