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Social Inquiry Report ordered on woman who stole to pay doctor's bills

A young mother who admitted stealing more than $3,000 from her workplace to pay for paediatrician bills will be sentenced next month in Magistrates' Court.

Samantha Davis, 20, falsified records from the Somerset MarketPlace cash register system between June 14 and August 17. Davis, who has since lost her job as a part-time cashier with the store, also stole $3,013.85.

Crown counsel Takiyah Burgess said clerks were conducting checks of their accounts when they learnt Davis had made an unauthorised transaction on August 17.

Davis had used the manager's key to carry out a return for $250, however there was no legitimate reason for the transaction.

The clerks reviewed their sheets from the past year and saw there were numerous other returns made by Davis in the same manner.

On August 23, Davis was called in over the matter and cautioned.

She said: "I'm not denying it and I know I have to pay for what I have done."

On September 16 she was interviewed by Police and admitted using the manager's key to make returns.

She said she used the cash to pay for doctor's bills and bills incurred from the birth of her son in December last year.

Davis, who lives at Patience Lane, in Sandys, with her parents and nine-month-old son, will re-appear in Magistrates' Court for sentencing on November 19.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner ordered a social inquiry report and released her on $2,000 bail.