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Somerset Bridge ferry stop vandalised over the weekend

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Not nice at all; Vandalism at Somerset Bridge ferry dock the ferry dock was covered in graffiti along with the waiting room building.
Vandals have defaced the Somerset Bridge ferry stop with black graffiti.What appears to be black spray paint was used to cover a large wall, as well as the shelter at the ferry dock off Wharf Drive, in Sandys.According to Harbourmaster David Simmons, the site has not been used as a regular ferry stop "for some time" since the Department of Marine and Ports adopted the much larger fast ferries.

Vandals have defaced the Somerset Bridge ferry stop with black graffiti.

What appears to be black spray paint was used to cover a large wall, as well as the shelter at the ferry dock off Wharf Drive, in Sandys.

According to Harbourmaster David Simmons, the site has not been used as a regular ferry stop "for some time" since the Department of Marine and Ports adopted the much larger fast ferries.

"Over the weekend the Spirit of Bermuda was anchored near by and there were a lot of people coming through to get a look at the ship. Unfortunately the great view was tainted by this ugly graffiti. It is extremely unsightly," said Ms Skiffington.

The graffiti makes reference to gangs and crime. One section reads: "All Day Everyday Westside We Nah Play."

Ms Skiffington said this was not the first time the area has experienced anti-social behaviour.

"I am a long-term ferry passenger and have lived in this area for a long time," she said. "They have been doing this sort of thing for years. In the past there has been other instances of graffiti, but not on this scale. It seems to happen every spring. They tip over the garbage bins and drive motorbikes overboard."

She added that she contacted Marine and Ports, the Government department which is responsible for the upkeep of the ferry stops and said she was assured the mess would be taken care of "promptly".

Mr. Simmons said his department would fix the problem. "We have a maintenance guy that takes care of all the ferry stops," he said. "Because we have not been actively using the Somerset Bridge stop it has not received as much attention as others.

"From time to time we have incidents of graffiti and if it can't be cleaned up by our man; Works and Engineering will come out and paint over it. The shelters at the ferry stops are painted every couple of years unless special circumstances require immediate action."