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Tourism in aggressive UK marketing campaign

Tourism officials in Bermuda have been carrying out an aggressive marketing campaign in the UK.And Department of Tourism director William Griffith said the Island had already seen positive results from the campaign, aimed at putting Bermuda back into the minds of British travellers.Mr. Griffith told UK travel site TTG Live that Bermuda was already seeing the results of an "aggressive promotional campaign" which was launched recently to drive tourists to the Island.

Tourism officials in Bermuda have been carrying out an aggressive marketing campaign in the UK.

And Department of Tourism director William Griffith said the Island had already seen positive results from the campaign, aimed at putting Bermuda back into the minds of British travellers.

Mr. Griffith told UK travel site TTG Live that Bermuda was already seeing the results of an "aggressive promotional campaign" which was launched recently to drive tourists to the Island.

The website added: "He said visitor numbers in the third quarter of 2009 were only five percent lower than the same quarter last year.

"By comparison, the first and second quarters of 2009 were 18 percent and 20 percent behind. Griffith attributed the improvement to a recent promotional campaign offering visitors $400 credit when they book a minimum four-night stay on the Island."

It was not clear if the five percent increase referred to UK arrivals or overall air arrivals for the third quarter.

The official third quarter results have not been released as yet, and a Department of Tourism spokeswoman did not respond for a comment before deadline.

The website added that Mr. Griffith "wasn't sure whether Bermuda has turned a corner" but he believed the island had stabilised and "was in a better position to face any challenges ahead".

The site said the Department of Tourism planned to increase its promotional advertising in the UK to increase awareness of Bermuda and boost visitor numbers.