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Vandals strike at St. Peter's graves

Senseless act: Rev W. David Raths and church warden Henry Hayward stand in disgust as they look at toppled graves at St. Peter's Anglican Church graveyard.

Vandals ripped antique tombstones out of the ground in a wrecking spree at St. Peter's Church graveyard in St. George's.

The size of the limestone tablets — some dating back to the 1700s — suggests it would have taken a number of troublemakers to push or kick them to the ground on Tuesday night, according to people from the church. A few hundred dollars worth of damage was caused, but the church is more upset about the lack of respect shown by the culprits.

"This shows incredible disrespect for all those who have gone before us," Rev. David Raths told The Royal Gazette. "It's quite worrisome that people seem to have no respect either for the antiquity of these things or those who are buried there.

"I'm just afraid that at some point they would turn their attention to the church. It's worrisome that there are a number of people that seem to think it's OK to vandalise. I worry about what they might do next.

"I just don't understand why they would do it. I don't see this as anything particularly malevolent, but it's just stupid pranksters.

"These are not just stones sticking out of the ground. There are people buried there. If they are to go kicking things, they should go and play football."

Police say at least three tombstones were disturbed and two unearthed between 4 p.m. on Tuesday and 7 a.m. on Wednesday. Witnesses should call the Eastern CID office on 295-0011.