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Voter registration session to be held

A special voter registration geared at young people will be held tonight at the Cathedral.The Premier Ewart Brown announced the event at the Warwick South Central Community Explosion event yesterday.More than 1,000 people attended the family event which had music, bouncing castles and food stalls in the T.N. Tatem Middle School along with voter registration booths.

A special voter registration geared at young people will be held tonight at the Cathedral.

The Premier Ewart Brown announced the event at the Warwick South Central Community Explosion event yesterday.

More than 1,000 people attended the family event which had music, bouncing castles and food stalls in the T.N. Tatem Middle School along with voter registration booths.

The Premier will be running against UBP candidate Roderick Simons in the constituency on the December 18 election day.

Tomorrow is the final day for people to register. The Premier said the event at the Cathedral would start at 7 p.m. and that he would be there to answer young voters' questions. He added that Senator Wayne Caines and Sen. Davida Morris would also be there.

Those wanting to register for the first time and who got their Bermudian status by grant would need to bring their status certificate while those who changed their name by marriage would have to bring supporting documentation.

After tomorrow's 5 p.m. deadline no more names can be added although objections can be made about names which should not be there.

People can check if they are registered online at www.elections.gov.bm.

If changes need to be made forms can be downloaded and either mailed, faxed or hand delivered to the Parliamentary Registry Office at the Valerie T. Scott building on 60 Reid Street.