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Island hit by storm force winds

Storm force winds are being reported across the Island — but are expected to die down this evening.According to the Bermuda Weather Service, winds across the Island this morning reached 35 knots (40.2mph), with gusts as high as 65 knots (74.8mph).A spokesman for the service said: “The peak winds we’ve recorded so far were a steady 52 knots (59.8mph) with maximum gusts of 76 knots (87.4mph) at around noon at Commissioner’s Point. We’ve had strong winds across the Island.”Despite the strength of the winds, the spokesman said the only damage reported has been minor damage to a door frame. Flights to and from the Island have not been impacted.“The wind is running right down the runway,” he said. “We’ve had some reports of turbulence and what we call speed shear, but we’re not expecting any cancellations or delays.”The winds are expected to die down as the afternoon progresses, dropping below storm force by around 8pm.Useful website: www.weather.bm