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UBP urges Govt to go back to the drawing board on Tucker’s Point SDO

Tucker's Point Club.

Government must go back to the drawing board with Rosewood Tucker’s Point and re-examine the controversial special development order allowing the resort to build more homes and hotel rooms, the UBP said this afternoon.Cole Simons, Shadow Tourism and Business Development Minister and the UBP Whip, said he believed the SDO will be debated in the House of Assembly tomorrow, following the Budget debate.“This will be one of the most controversial debates that he have had for some time. At stake here is how much more are Bermudians prepared to pay to help rebuild Bermuda’s tourism industry, and whether Bermudians are prepared to commit additional resources to support Tucker’s Point Resort, when other hotel properties in Bermuda have been forced to close their doors, and others have been forced into receivership,” he said.“If we have been listening attentively to our people, we would have heard that most Bermudians feel that the price tag to support the proposed Tucker’s Point Resort residential development is unreasonably high, and as a consequence they are not in a position to support it by committing additional resources to it.“Bermudians are not prepared to pay such a high price to support a very questionable business model which may not bear the fruit that it purports to deliver, especially since Tucker’s Point has had at least three other Special Development orders granted to them over the years, and the business model is still not as successful as it could have been.”If the SDO is granted, there could be an additional 78 private resident and 70 hotel rooms built on the 240-acre property. A first stage would see 19 residential homes built which could be sold to foreigners as a result of recently passed amendments to the Immigration Act.The first three single units, which are part of a subdivision, will be on Glebe Hill in Hamilton Parish. An additional seven single-family homes will be built on Paynter’s Road, South Road and Harrington Sound Road. Another nine single and attached houses will be built on Paynter’s Hill.The next phase will expand the number of guestrooms at the Rosewood Tucker’s Point from 100 to 150 or 170. These will be built on Quarry Hill.The final stage will create a townhouse community on Whitecrest Hill. The owner currently has in principle planning approval to build 42 sites on Whitecrest Hill; the SDO adds another 15 homes to the site. The final stage will also rebuild the historic Tucker’s Point Stables building, converting it into a community centre for residents and guests.As part of the SDO agreement, Rosewood Tucker’s Point will deed 7.5 acres of land zoned as Woodland and Nature Reserve, as well as Mangrove Lake, to Government or a designated land preservation entity.Mr Simons added: “We in the United Bermuda Party, like the rest of Bermuda, believe that the price tag for the development of this resort, and its ultimate contribution to Bermuda’s Tourism rebirth is far too high.“We are truly supportive of Bermuda’s Tourism growth and equally supportive and empathetic to the Tucker’s Point Resort’s development. We hope that for the sake of our people, our environment and tourism, our Government will go back to the drawing board with the management of Tucker’s Point and ask them to further refine and trim back their plans so that a new Special Development Order can be presented to Bermuda and her people. An Order that would be more reasonable, more attractive, and less expensive for the people of Bermuda.”