Second speed bump constructed in Flatts Village
Flatts Village is not as flat as it used to be, thanks to two speed bumps that were officially launched by Minister of Public Works Derrick Burgess yesterday.The first hump, outside Indigo restaurant, caused controversy when it was installed last October, with some members of the public claiming it caused accidents and near misses.A second has now been built outside Flatts Menswear store to calm traffic in the village, where there have been complaints about speeding motorists.Two bumps have also been installed in Somerset Village.Mr Burgess said: “We all need to slow down, especially in our neighbourhoods and picturesque villages where pedestrians are at risk of being hit.“The residents of this village asked for help to slow down traffic, as did the residents of Somerset Village. Both villages suffered from vehicles passing through at high speeds; everything from bikes to trucks. We listened to their concerns, we discussed solutions, and we acted.”He said the bumps had been designed “so they won’t judder your car, provided you go slow enough”.