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Premier “pleased” to represent Bermuda at Royal wedding

Royal attendees: From left, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, Premier of the Cayman Islands, McKeeva Bush and his spouse Kerry Bush, Premier Paula Cox and her spouse Germain Nkeuleu.

Premier Paula Cox today spoke of her pleasure at being able to represent the Island at the Royal wedding.She described Catherine Middleton as a “stunning” bride and said Prince William appeared “very social, polite and warm”.She and her husband, Germain Nkeuleu, were well placed to witness the spectacular event, Ms Cox added.They were among 1900 invited guests at the 11am ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London, England.Said Ms Cox: “The wedding was beautiful, simple, elegant; and it was delightful to have been a witness to such a joyous occasion.“Germain and I were very well situated in terms of our seating arrangements. We were in a wonderful place to people watch, given we were seated just behind the foreign and British royals. We were fortunate to be located near the Lantern section of Westminster Abbey as it gave a complete view of the procession. In fact, the positioning of the Commonwealth and Overseas Territories was strategic and underscored the relationship between the Territories and Commonwealth generally.“The bride looked stunning and one could overhear many compliments from those around us. Even men seemed touched by the aura and apparent sentimentality; we all want to see people happy and in love and the feelings of the about to be newly-weds seemed so heartfelt and genuine that it pulled at people’s heartstrings.”Millions of people around the world tuned in for the televised event.Ms Cox said: “The choir was fantastic, the music was magnificent. The people were elated and happy. They waved, clapped and were just so thrilled.“The ceremony had meaning and even in the beautiful expanse that is Westminster Abbey, what impressed me was the sense of warmth and intimacy.“I was pleased to have been able to attend and glad that Bermuda was represented. This wedding was special.“Prior to the start of the wedding, the groom passed very nearby when he entered from the side door to assume his position. He looked comfortable and was very social, polite and warm. Prince Harry also elicited a laugh from the crowd at some of his expressions, and, when he mouthed how beautiful the bride looked to his brother.”