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Carriage driver is run over as his horses bolt

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Photo by Llewellyn SimonsDamage caused by a horse and buggy that broke free and ran through Heritage Wharf, Dockyard on Thursday afternoon.

A carriage driver was injured in Dockyard after one of his horses was spooked, running him over with his own carriage.The driver was taken to King Edward VII Memorial with injuries to his hand and back, but his injuries are not believed to be serious.According to witnesses, passengers from the Celebrity Cruise Line’s Celebrity Summit had just begun to disembark yesterday afternoon when the incident happened.“The horse was just spooked for some reason,” said one witness. “There was nobody around. The people were just coming off the ship.“The horse and buggy was facing the cruise ship and the driver was off the buggy, tightening the reigns when it happened.“He tried to hop back on the carriage, but didn’t quite make it. They backed over him, and then they turned around and it looked like they ran over him again.”While the witness said he ran to help the injured driver, the horses charged away from the cruise ship terminal at full gallop, running past the ferry terminal and tearing several lamp posts out of the ground.Running north on Dockyard Terrace, one of the horses fell to the ground, reportedly causing the carriage to land on top of it.One man who works in the area said: “I wasn’t over there to see what was going on, but I heard something and when I turned around I saw one of the horses on the ground.“He stepped up and he drove the other horse into the back of a parked car. At that point, members of the public ran up and tried to get everything under control.“I jumped into the carriage myself, but when the policeman came on, I stepped away.”The police officer, together with members of the public, managed to calm the horses and steer them off the road and into the entrance of the Victualling Yard.Emergency services, along with an officer from the Department of Environmental Protection and a veterinarian all attended the accident.According to the veterinarian both the horses suffered cuts and scrapes during the incident, but otherwise appeared to be all right.

Photo by Llewellyn SimonsDamage caused by a horse and buggy that broke free and ran through Heritage Wharf, Dockyard on Thursday afternoon.
Photo by Llewellyn SimonsDamage caused by a horse and buggy that broke free and ran through Heritage Wharf, Dockyard on Thursday afternoon.
Damage caused by a horse and buggy that broke free and ran through Heritage Wharf, Dockyard, yesterday afternoon.
Photo by Llewellyn SimonsDamage caused by a horse and buggy that broke free and ran through Heritage Wharf, Dockyard on Thursday afternoon.