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Murder victim’s brother pleads guilty to assaulting police

The brother of murder victim Troy ‘Yankee’ Rawlins pleaded guilty today to assaulting police, saying he was distraught over his brother’s death.Raymond Burgess, 32, of Pembroke, pleaded guilty to obstructing justice, assaulting an officer and violently resisting arrest at the Swinging Doors nightclub on May 8.Mr Rawlins was gunned down in the same bar on August 9, 2010.Crown counsel Robert Welling told Magistrate’s Court that police were attempting to search Burgess under the Misuse of Drugs Act but he struggled with police, jamming his hands in his pockets and trying to push the officers away.Officers eventually used captor spray, then a taser to detain Burgess, who they said was trying to pull items out of his pockets.In court, Burgess admitted the offence, saying that when he is searched he usually pulls everything out of his pockets and puts them on a table of the officers.He also said that he was haunted by the death of his brother, saying: “My brother was gunned down a few months ago and the trial is coming up.“I had a dream and all I saw was my brother slumped over. Even when I was tased, I saw him right in front of my face.”Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined Burgess a total of $1,600 for the three charges.