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Three shots fired before relatives found body, murder trial hears

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Kevin Warner

A prosecutor told a court today that witnesses heard three shot and found a body of 24-year-old Dekimo Martin on stairs outside his home.The Supreme Court trial began of a 21-year-old man accused of the premeditated murder of Mr Martin.Kevin Warner, from Warwick, is charged with the murder of Mr Martin, 24, while he was at his home on Peacock Crescent, in Somerset, on May 28.He is also charged with carrying a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence, namely premeditated murder of Mr Martin, on the same date.Mr Warner, represented by defence lawyer Kim Hollis QC, has pleaded not guilty to both counts.This morning prosecutor Carington Mahoney opened up the case by saying: “The allegations are that the accused was a frequent visitor to 8 Peacock Crescent in Sandys to the Lewis family where he was a close friend to Kellan Lewis and his sister.“In fact you will hear in evidence he was almost like a part of the family. Dekimo Martin is the cousin of Kellan Lewis.”The court heard at the time of the incident Mr Lewis lived in the downstairs of the property, while Mr Martin was staying upstairs after moving in a week prior.Around 2pm on Thursday, May 27, Mr Warner went to the home of the Lewis family and was asking for Chelsea, Mr Lewis’ sister.Mr Warner and Mr Martin were in communication throughout the day, including around 6.30pm when Mr Martin had borrowed the defendant’s bike.Later that night the two men were outside talking for a while with Mr Martin’s uncles. One of the uncles went inside around 1am on Friday morning and laid down on the couch where he was going to sleep.The uncle heard three gun shots coming from the direction where both Dekimo Martin and Mr Warner were sitting, said Mr Mahoney.The relative went outside and found Mr Martin laying upside down at the top of the stairs with his head hanging down.A female family member rushed outside and saw someone, matching the description of Mr Warner, running away from the scene.Mr Mahoney told the court that shell cases were found in the direction of where the suspect ran.A driver’s licence belonging to Mr Warner was also found a few streets down from where the shooting took place, he said.The case continues this afternoon before Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves.

Dekimo (Purple) Martin